The DAA slip up in Science Week 2015

11866483_1005155349514867_5620484925760225789_nThere’s something not quite right about this message from the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) yesterday.

It’s National Science Week – I agree on that.

Nutrition is a Science – I agree on that.

Dietitians have a science degree in human nutrition and dietetics – not quite true. There are variations on that, but let us not squabble.

“APD’s are the ONLY university qualified experts who give advice on food and nutrition” – bollocks.

I am in a Science Week debate tonight on the very issue of “Is fruit good or bad for you?” The DAA can argue until the cows come home whether or not an Orthopaedic Surgeon with a university degree and a few letters after his name (M.B.,B.S.(UNSW), F.R.A.C.S.(Orthopaedic), F.A.Orth.A.) can give advice on food and nutrition but…

I come to the defense here of my co-debater tonight. Professor Roger Stanley has a university degree and is the Director for the Centre for Food Innovation in Tasmania. He ONLY gives advice on food and nutrition to the Defense Department, several peak bodies and to the food industry.

With all ‘due respect’ to the DAA – you have it wrong on who can give advice on food and nutrition.

I am not alone on this front. The DAA members are even writing in.

“I am a dietitian, an APD and a DAA member and unfortunately DAA I think you have messed up here….please consider diversifying this message to make it more inclusive of others peoples abilities….”

There’s quite a colourful debate going on. And so there should be. Any thoughts?

If you want to come along to another debate this evening which should be more civil, then the Launceston Church Grammar School is the place to find out if fruit is good or bad for you? We have a 6pm start.…