Monthly Archives: June 2016

Processed food is behind cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Statins just make it worse.


Processed food is behind cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Statins just make it worse.

The perfect storm of too much sugar and refined carbohydrate combined with polyunsaturated seed oils creates inflammation in every blood vessel, in every cell membrane and in every mitochondrion, the engines of cells. That creates the susceptibility in every organ to other damaging processes including stress, chemical exposure, genetic predispositions, vitamin deficiencies, and the potential damage from poor gut flora.

This review article from Harumi Okuyama puts further science behind my Nutritional Model of Inflammation and Modern Disease. This may be the most definitive review on the science that I have seen to date. It is worth the entire read and chasing down of the references. I will go through it over time with some further posts.

There is more evidence coming out every week supporting the central role of poor nutrition in our deteriorating health. It is the combination rather than just the individual component. It is just toxic to us all. Continue reading

Antibiotic resistance and sugar

Professor Frank Bowden says, 'In Canberra we see as many blood stream infections as we see heart attacks'.

This has been a long standing concern of mine. Have you considered the time that that we have had antibiotics and the short 100 years for Mother Nature to develop resistance to most of them?

How long have we had antibiotics around for? The first ones were developed in the early 1900s. There have been no new antibiotics designed for nearly 30 years. What antibiotics we have now are becoming less effective.

How long have the bacteria been around for? Several millennia by my reckoning. Certainly a lot more than the last hundred years. I know who is going to win this battle.

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