Can breast cancer outcome be affected by fasting? Possibly.

medical touristVirtually every person becomes a victim of the system when diagnosed with cancer. They become what I call ‘medical tourists’.

All control is lost as you travel around from specialist to specialist, clinic to clinic, appointment to appointment, always fearing the worst whilst awaiting test results. You are anxious and so is your family around you.

You have lost control. It’s not a good time.

What if there is something you can do to alter the outcome? What can you do to have some input into your well-being?

This recent study out of JAMA Oncology shows a 36% less likely chance of recurrence in women that fast more than 13 hours regularly. That can mean having an early dinner and then just not eating until breakfast.

The women that fared better also ended up having more sleep, better blood glucose control and lower markers of inflammation.

Other literature has shown that good blood glucose control is associated with lower cancer risk and better outcomes. Inflammation is a major component in the cancer model. Improving these factors is not a bad thing in cancer management.

Was the fasting the factor or was it the better blood glucose control in this study that made the difference? It will take a long time to work that out from further research.

In the meantime, skipping that evening snack (and particularly the sweets, biscuits, etc) and getting a good night sleep makes perfect sense.

Healing of tissue happens in the deep sleep cycles. Melatonin levels and Interleukin -6 are tied up in this mechanism.

All of this ties in with the Metabolic Model of Inflammation and Cancer. Cutting back on sugar, refined carbohydrate and polyunsaturated oils. Throw in some fasting and a positive attitude.

Taking control of your diet, skipping the night snack and getting some extra sleep has NO COST and NO SIDE EFFECTS. Importantly it gives you some input into your cancer management.

It gives you back some control. That’s a good thing as you travel around as a ‘medical tourist’. You might even have some input into your destination.