Misinformation taken up by the media once again. Just nonsense.

Paleo is bad, dangerous, unproven, expensive and there is no literature to support the use in Diabetes. Just nonsense.

Paleo has many definitions and the trouble is that it gets misinterpreted and misquoted. I personally do not ‘do Paleo’ but the concept of reducing processed foods ends up being Low Carb and Healthy fat. It’s about getting the energy and micronutrients right rather than focusing in on food groups.

Alas, another day of misinformation fueled by the media and I suspect, the processed food industry.

Here was my response posted on a few sites including Diabetes Australia.

“The devil is in the definition of Paleo. Dr Andrikopoulos should be defining carbohydrate intake rather than the brand ‘Paleo’.

Our very own CSIRO has shown excellent results and deprescribing with a lower carbohydrate management plan for patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Low Carb was the central topic for discussion in the Diabetes Masterclass that recently travelled Australia with Professors Gary Wittert and Grant Brinkworth advising this for first line management in Type 2.

Dr Gary Fettke”

