CSIRO backs Low Carbohydrate management of Diabetes


CSIRO backs Low Carbohydrate management of Diabetes.

That’s it for the naysayers.

50 grams per day. That’s very low carb and with great results.

Pennie Taylor is a senior research dietitian at the CSIRO and we had the pleasure of hosting her on Saturday for the “Choose Health” forum attended by 250 plus participants.

Pennie presented the latest results of the CSIRO’s 2 year study of very low carb versus ‘traditional guideline’ high carb dietary management. Low carb gave significantly better results in blood glucose control and cardiovascular risk factors. The low carb participants had a significant reduction in their medication requirements.

The study results build upon exactly what I have been advocating for the last few years, based on international literature. We now have local confirmation from Australia’s peak research body.

The CSIRO work is solid and is now being expanded out into the next phase as a community trial. Our Dietitians and Diabetes Nurse Educator at the Nutrition for Life Centre had the opportunity to liaise on the mutual ground and we hope to do some collaborative work with her.

We had many health practitioners and influencers of our community there this time. These people will help inform more and more people that there is an option in diet and lifestyle. Lowering Carbohydrates is integral to that.

Low Carbohydrate management in Diabetes and other health conditions is a real option. Our hospital services have to reflect the current research and cannot continue to ignore it, let alone call it a fad diet.



5 thoughts on “CSIRO backs Low Carbohydrate management of Diabetes

  1. Ray Palmer

    It is great to see Australian research from our renowned CSIRO is now agreeing with overseas research supporting low carbohydrate high fat (LCHF) eating. There is so much evidence that low fat high carb eating is producing the obesity and insulin resistance / type 2 diabetes epidemics. When will our health departments and governments change the dietary guidelines? This is where the change must begin otherwise organisations such as Diabetes Australia, other jurisdiction’s diabetes organisations, as well as “health professionals” just keep referring to the Australian Dietary Guidelines as the way to go.
    Some facts from Diabetes Australia website:
    • 280 Australians develop diabetes every day
    • 1.7 million Australians have diabetes
    • Total annual cost impact of diabetes in Australia is about $14 Billion
    • Diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia.
    We have the knowledge to reverse these trends and costs, but when are we going to change the guidelines to allow this to happen.
    Diabetes is NOT a chronic disease, it is a dietary disease which can be put into remission by LCHF eating. Prescribing insulin is treating the symptom, high blood glucose not the cause, but unrelenting high carbohydrate consumption. Insulin causes insulin resistance which in turn is causing diabetes to be so called chronic. just like alcohol causes alcoholism. Prescribing insulin is like prescribing alcohol to cure alcoholism.
    A quote from Prof Tim Noakes MBCHB, MD, PHD
    “The low-fat diet is probably the worst mistake we’ve ever made in the history of human medicine”
    Wake up Australia

  2. Annette Boyle

    I’m a type 1 diabetic in Melbourne. Where can I go to learn about the Low Carb diet, please?
    Also gluten and lactose sensitive, plus D3 deficient even though I take supplements every day.
    Look forward to hearing from you,
    Thanks, Annette

    1. Bec

      I have read many articles and posts by individuals where gluten and IBS and other “issues” have disappeared after adopting a LCHF diet. Personally IBS gone Diabetes gone, Itchy skin gone, and best of all 54KG GONE.

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