‘Recipe for Life’

'Recipe for Life'A ‘Recipe for Life’. Giving away for free!

Eat well.

Move well.

Sleep well.

Communicate well.

That’s it. Feel free to share it, try it, modify it and make it your own.

Eat well.

I see that the modern diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and polyunsaturated oils combine together to create a model of inflammation. That sits behind most illness and disease that we are struggling with as individuals and society.

I have been reflecting on my LCHF journey to better health over the last few years. All I am doing is sharing my ‘recipe for life’, and lecturing on the science behind low carbohydrate living – low sugar and carbohydrate, healthy fat and avoidance of polyunsaturated oils.

You can do with the ‘recipe for life’ what you wish. I am not forcing it upon anyone, just letting people know that it is an option.

The latter part of 2015 was a time of some pretty ugly criticism of my stand on nutrition, both in the work and public arenas. All I am advocating is people to have an option towards better health. I have so many stories of people and families trialing LCHF living and within weeks making the decision to never going back to ‘old’ ways of convenient fast food, takeaways and carb loaded meals. The personal stories are not just about weight loss, even though that’s an incentive for many.

Any reduction of inflammation can help and changing eating to better nutrition has to be the first choice before taking medication with its incumbent side effects. At the very least it needs to be recommended as an option.


I see the results of LCHF with people taking back significant control of their health. The health issues range from diabetes, arthritis, cancer, chronic pain, back pain, hypertension, headaches and migraines, sleep improvement, depression, mood swings in children and adults, skin conditions ranging from acne to psoriasis, infections, poly cystic ovarian disease, period pain, thrush, erectile dysfunction, some neurological conditions, liver disease, reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, gout and dental health. The list goes on and on.

I will also throw in better lipid/cholesterol test results even though no one has ever died from a cholesterol test result.


It’s not to say that LCHF will cure any of these conditions but for some people it has meant a world of difference and for many taking an active role in their outcomes rather than passively listening to the health professionals doing more tests and prescribing more drugs. Why wouldn’t you trial LCHF at no cost and see what happens?

Move well.

Getting the right amount of exercise is important but you cannot outrun a bad diet.

I think weight control is mostly about eating well and moving well without pounding your body. Stretching and staying supple is more important than bulking up muscle. There are benefits to exercise in improving heart health and muscle tone but these can be achieved by regular light exercise, and for some a short vigorous exercise session. I don’t think the science has been worked out on this by a long way which accounts for so much confusion in the community. For me though, ‘my opinion’ is get the plate right first and keep moving well.


Sleep well.

Seems obvious to get enough sleep each night. We see far more health problems in shift workers and there is emerging evidence that inflammation is at higher level in this population. It keeps coming back to inflammation!

How much is enough sleep? Again there is a variety of information out in the public arena and its confusing. I honestly can’t work it out. For me, sneaking an early night regularly seems to do the trick and having the occasional nap seems to be backed by science.

Communicate well.

I have added this recently and admit to getting this one wrong for myself. We spend so much time communicating and miscommunicating. The digital age means we are bombarded by the internet, social media, emails, phones and traditional media. There is a sensory overload and it is constant.

I used to have down time driving in my car or even walking from the car to work but even these times are spent on the phone. Alas, being aware of one’s predicament gives the opportunity to consider change. Here’s to me getting the balance better this year. Hmmm.

So that is my ‘recipe for life’. Generalisations that you can try, modify, share and trial in varying amounts. None of it is forced on anyone. The fact that social media allows people to share their recipes is a powerful force.

Go and have some fun with it. Happy New Year.