Diabetes Australia get ‘Healthy Eating’ Wrong in Melbourne

Diabetes walk TAN 3 2015

A well intentioned idea no doubt BUT a sugar and carbohydrate load to sink you on a Sunday morning. About 26 teaspoons of sugar and 45 teaspoons of Carbohydrate for a start to the day!!!!

Belinda and Kate were walking in the Melbourne Botanical Gardens this morning. There was a sponsored walk of approximately 3km – with 5 eating stations along the way!

The walk was part of the Melbourne Wine & Food Festival and this mornings event was heavily sponsored by Diabetes Australia and the Victorian branch.

11056934_10205324255720322_1186647367_nThe menu served was as above and by calculations was a massive sugar and carbohydrate load that could be washed down with fruit juice and non alcoholic wine (loaded with sugar). There was a bottle of water for starters though.

For the kids that didn’t like the baked beans the staff were lathering on the jam at station 3!

The Diabetes Australia sponsor tent was set up with lots of recipes – recommendations for low fat yoghurt  with recommendations to add sugar to that base. How can they be getting it so wrong?

There were some good options on the list- avocados, eggs and maybe that fresh piece of fruit but the average diabetic would be reaching for their insulin halfway into that walk.

Last week the WHO recommended cutting sugar intake down to 6 teaspoons of sugar intake per day for adults. That daily intake was pretty well done just with the fruit juice today.

What might have been well intentioned is an abject failure. Unfortunately the community remain confused by messages like this. Maybe next year Diabetes Australia will get it right.