Tag Archives: cancer

The link between Cancer, Obesity and Diet


The more I read the more I am convinced of the link between diet and cancer. A lot hinges around the role of insulin on stimulating factors involved in cellular division and metabolism.

A diet high in fructose and refined fibreless carbohydrate just keeps hammering away at the pancreas, giving us insulin spikes and a chronic stimulation of the system, ultimately responding in an insulin resistance.

This review article by Dr Elio Riboli notes the increased risk of late onset breast cancer, colon, rectum, endometrial, oesophageal and kidney cancers with obesity. He touches on the association between high sugar and carbohydrate load in the article.

I agree with him on the concept of where we were with the links of tobacco and disease were known for a long time but action took longer.


If Only For A Second

If you have ever been affected or touched by Cancer then you will know about that loss of feeling carefree. Watch it captured again in this very special short video.

I lost that carefree spirit for a long time with my cancer.

This whole NoFructose project is one way I am releasing my demons.

If another person takes on board the whole concept of reducing sugar, polyunsaturated oils and refined carbs and it prevents them from getting cancer then it is all worthwhile. I believe it will.

Consideration of ‘starving’ a cancer is an option in cancer management now.

More on how that may help you or someone you know at http://www.nofructose.com/health-issues/cancer/