Monthly Archives: April 2016

Oz paradox unveiled

Two bowls of sugar, one containing sugar cubes and the other with castor sugar.

Academics cannot believe that sugar is not the problem with obesity in Australia – unless you are from the GI Institute at Sydney University and if you have significant financial ties to the soft drink industry.

This link to the Lateline interview is working.

It is good to see the Sydney University academics of Jennie Brand Miller and Alan Barclay under question. My one interaction with Barclay last year was unpleasant and here he is refusing to comment to Lateline on the ‘errors’ in their research and his sponsorship from Coca Cola.

It’s good to see Lateline understanding the issues around sugar and the vested interests at play. Last week they interviewed Aseem Malhotra and this week they are following up with shoddy research out of Sydney Uni that has not been retracted despite advice accordingly

If you look closely at the Sydney Uni video of Rory questioning from the audience., I make a cameo appearance smile emoticon It was good to be sitting next to Rory Robertson as he presented the Australian Paradox myth to Marion Nestle and the Sydney Uni academia. Always happy to support someone that challenges nonsense papers with real figures.…/the-australian-paradox:-exp…/7319518

“Force yourself to eat anything in excess and you will probably do harm.”

Food myth busted: Butter ain't that bad after all.

“Force yourself to eat anything in excess and you will probably do harm,”

“Eat until you’re full. Try to avoid snacking and eat real food.”

Sage advice.

Margarine is the killer?

That margarine and seed oil is more likely to kill you than the butter. Last week saw another research paper overturn the concept of saturated fat being bad for heart disease.

How much can you trust old research?

The BMJ article revisits an old paper and its data. It then comes up with the opposite finding of what was originally published. Saturated fat was better from a heart disease aspect than the polyunsaturated oils. The exact opposite of what we have been guided to do over the last 40 years.

“It’s not exactly clear why the full set of data from the Minnesota experiment was never published.” Possibly/probably because it went against the recommendations of the time.

The Sydney Heart Study reviewed again last year had the same conclusion. Polyunsaturated oils increased the rate of heart disease.

This latest paper should be making the Heart Foundation very nervous. They have to stop recommending margarine. That recommendation may very well be increasing heart disease rather than preventing it.

The Heart Foundation might just need to get funding from a different source to the margarine industry. frown emoticon…/replace-unhealthy-fats-with……/this-study-40-years-ago-c…/


Australian hospitals take a stand on sugar sweetened beverages…. finally! But not in Tasmania.

Soft drink cans

What a pity the hospital administration here in Launceston and health department missed the boat. I have been trying to get this sort of leadership for 3 years in Tasmania. Alas, maybe next week?…/soft-drink-sale-banned-m…/7316000

Carb bad for the heart


Carb loaded meals and obesity are detrimental to the heart. A new mechanism explored.

“It is thought to be common sense that carbohydrate loading is detrimental; but the negative effects are delivered through the principal hormones, the natriuretic peptides, produced by your heart, a system that is suppressed in obese individuals,”

“Before the participants began the study, they were normalized on a standard diet for a couple of days to remove any background dietary variability. The investigators observed that drinking the high-carb shake led to a 25 percent reduction in ANP in participants over the course of several hours.”

The amount they took in was the equivalent of 700mls of Coca Cola. Not that much when you see how much some people have each day.……/2016-03-explores-carb-loading-ef…

Low carb ‘cures’ T2 diabetes


Low Carb ‘cures’ diabetes short term but association guidelines won’t take it on yet as there are no long term studies over years.

By the same token there are no long term studies to say that the current recommendations to eat 50% of your diet as sugar and carbohydrate and then have medication prevent or effectively treat diabetes.

“Which do you think people would find more practical?” asks Dr. Vernon. “Avoiding bread and sugar, or taking an insulin shot every day?” Before you answer, consider that the ADA, America’s leading authority on diabetes, refuses even to pose this question to millions of diabetes sufferers, leaving them unaware that there may actually be an alternative to leading a medicated life.

“You might prefer to just take the insulin, and that’s your choice,” says Dr. Vernon. “But in my experience, patients are far healthier and happier without it.” She pauses for a moment. “And isn’t that the whole point?”